So... What are the


So... What are the





About WordPress

At our agency, we offer a range of options to create your perfect website, and our most popular choices is WordPress. Did you know that an astounding 43% of all websites on the internet are built using WordPress? This speaks volumes about its versatility and reliability as a platform.

While we’re here to design and build your website, we believe it’s a great option for you to have control over your content once the project is complete. 

With a WordPress site, we can show you how to add, modify, or remove content without the need for coding experience. This empowers you to make updates and keep your website fresh and relevant.

Due the user-friendly nature of WordPress your site can be built much quicker then coding everything from scratch, for this reason it remains the cheapest option we offer and more often then not the perfect match for the majority of clients.

Web Design graphic design

During your first consultation we outline the best practices for websites in your industry, we cover all the standard functionalities of a great site and provide you with a detailed list of the options available. While these may be virtually limitless…

Below is just some
of the functions you may like
to include...

Below is just some
of the functions you may like
to include...

Online booking systems have revolutionised the way businesses handle appointments and reservations. By integrating this feature into your website, you empower your clients to conveniently schedule appointments, book services, or make reservations directly from your site. This streamlines the booking process, saving time for both your business and your customers. With customisable settings, you can define availability, manage calendars, and send automated notifications, ensuring a seamless and efficient booking experience.

An advertising integration plugin enables you to monetise your website by embedding advertisements from various advertising networks. By incorporating advertising on your site, you have the opportunity to generate revenue and potentially offset the costs associated with running and maintaining your website.

A bilingual or translation plugin enables you to cater to a diverse audience by offering multilingual support on your website. With this functionality, you can easily create and manage content in multiple languages, ensuring that visitors can access your site in their preferred language. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses targeting international markets, expanding your reach, and enhancing user experience. By speaking the language of your visitors, you foster a stronger connection, build trust, and ultimately increase engagement and conversions.

Your website will be built with SEO best practices in mind, we provide keywords and focus phrases to help drive your site to the top of the rankings. However SEO is an entire industry of its own and involves an ever evolving approach to dynamically adjust to analytics provided by Google.
A paid SEO plugin helps optimise your website for search engines. These plugin’s offers tools to optimise your website’s on-page elements, meta tags, XML sitemaps, and more. It enables you to analyse keyword usage, monitor your site’s performance, and implement best practices in real time. By optimising your website’s SEO, you increase the chances of appearing higher in search results, attracting more organic traffic, and reaching a wider audience.

Social media integration is a valuable plugin that seamlessly connects your website to your social media profiles. By embedding social media feeds, share buttons, and follow buttons, you make it effortless for visitors to engage with your brand across different platforms. This integration promotes social sharing, allowing visitors to easily share your content with their network, amplifying your reach and driving more traffic to your website. Additionally, displaying your social media presence enhances your brand’s credibility, fosters a sense of community, and encourages visitors to connect and engage with you on various social channels.

An email newsletter subscription  enables you to capture visitors’ email addresses and build a loyal subscriber base. By offering a subscription option on your website, you can regularly communicate with your audience, sending them updates, promotions, newsletters, and valuable content directly to their inbox. This direct line of communication helps nurture relationships, foster brand loyalty, and drive repeat traffic to your website. With customisation options, you can design visually appealing subscription forms, implement automation workflows, and track the effectiveness of your email campaigns.

With a live chat plugin, you can offer real-time customer support and engagement directly on your website. This interactive feature allows visitors to connect with you instantly, enabling them to ask questions, seek assistance, or make inquiries about your products or services. By providing immediate responses, you enhance customer satisfaction, build trust, and increase the likelihood of conversions. Live chat also offers the opportunity to proactively engage with visitors, initiate conversations, and provide personalised recommendations, enhancing the overall user experience.

An FAQ Schema adds structured data markup to your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, making it more visible in search engine results. Structured data helps search engines understand the content better, which can lead to enhanced search snippets or rich results. When users search for relevant queries, your FAQ page may appear with expanded details, including specific questions and answers. This increased visibility can attract more organic traffic to your website, boost your click-through rates, and establish you as an authoritative source in your industry.

An image gallery/portfolio plugin empowers you to showcase your work, products, or services in a visually appealing and organised manner. With this plugin, you can create stunning galleries or portfolios that captivate your visitors, allowing them to browse through your offerings effortlessly. You can customise layouts, add captions or descriptions, and categorise your images to create a visually engaging experience. Whether you’re an artist, photographer, designer, or any business that relies on visual representation, this plugin allows you to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

By displaying positive testimonials, you build credibility and trust with potential customers, as they see real-life experiences and satisfaction from others who have used your products or services. This social proof encourages visitors to engage further with your brand, boosts confidence in their decision-making process, and increases the likelihood of conversions.

We can transfer your existing reviews from Google to your new site and/or enable users to leave reviews directly on the new platform.

An events calendar adds a dynamic feature to your website, allowing you to display and promote upcoming events, workshops, or important dates relevant to your business. You can showcase event details, including dates, times, locations, and descriptions, providing visitors with a comprehensive view of your event schedule. We can even enable easy event registration or ticket purchase, integrate with your calendar, and allow visitors to save events to their own calendars. Whether you host conferences, workshops, or community events, an events calendar helps you effectively communicate and engage with your target audience.

An analytics tracking program integrates with services like Google Analytics, providing valuable insights and data on your website’s traffic, user behaviour, and conversions.  You can gain access to detailed reports and metrics that help you understand how visitors interact with your website.  Track the number of visitors, their geographic location, popular pages, referral sources, and more. These insights enable you to make data-driven decisions and refine your marketing strategies to drive better results.

Social sharing buttons encourages visitors to share your content across various social media platforms. By integrating social sharing buttons, you make it effortless for visitors to spread the word about your website or specific pages/posts they find valuable. By facilitating social sharing, you tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing, driving more traffic, engagement, and potential conversions to your website.

Our video integration tools enable you to embed videos from platforms like YouTube or Vimeo directly onto your website. You can effortlessly integrate videos into your content, such as tutorials, product demonstrations, interviews, or promotional videos. Video content enhances engagement and captivates your audience, enabling you to effectively communicate your message in a visually engaging format. 

A membership or subscription service allows you to offer exclusive access or benefits to registered members or subscribers on your website. This site function enables you to create membership levels, restrict content to specific user groups, and manage subscriptions efficiently. Whether you want to provide premium content, exclusive resources, or special discounts to your members, we can facilitate a seamless user registration process, secure login, and personalised member experiences. It’s a powerful tool to build a community, foster loyalty, and generate recurring revenue for your business.

We can embed your location with a Google Maps widget directly onto your website. This feature allows visitors to easily find and navigate to your establishment. By displaying an interactive map, you provide clear directions, address details, and additional information to enhance the user experience.



We understand that different businesses have unique needs and preferences when it comes to their online stores. A custom coded store will provide the ultimate flexibility but also requires a dedicated development team to maintain and update the site. That’s why we also provide the two industry standard platforms for small to medium sized businesses to choose from – Shopee and WooCommerce.

Each option has its own set of benefits and advantages, and we’re here to guide you through the decision-making process. Whether you prefer the simplicity and established marketplace of Shopee or the customisation and scalability of WooCommerce, we have the expertise to build an exceptional e-commerce website that aligns with your goals.

Now, let’s explore the specifics of each option to help you make an informed choice for your business.

E-commerce - laptop with shopping cart


Shopee is a popular e-commerce platform that provides a ready-made solution for businesses to set up an online store quickly and easily. As a web designer, I can leverage Shopee’s features to create a seamless and user-friendly e-commerce website tailored to your specific needs.


  • User-Friendly – Shopee offers an intuitive interface that makes it easy for both sellers and buyers to navigate and use the platform. This simplicity allows for a quick and hassle-free setup process.

  • Established Marketplace – Shopee provides access to a vast and established marketplace with a large customer base. By building your online store on Shopee, you can tap into this existing pool of potential customers and benefit from increased visibility.

  • Mobile-Friendly – Shopee is designed to be mobile-friendly, catering to the growing number of users who prefer to shop on their smartphones. Your store will be optimised for mobile devices, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

  • Payment and Shipping Integration – Shopee integrates with various payment gateways and shipping providers, allowing you to offer multiple payment options and streamline your shipping processes.


  • Limited Customisation – While Shopee provides a user-friendly interface, the level of customisation options may be limited compared to a self-hosted platform like WooCommerce, or a purpose built site coded from scratch. Our ability to modify the design and functionality of your online store may be more restricted.

  • Platform Dependence – With Shopee, your store is hosted on their platform. This means that you’re dependent on Shopee’s infrastructure, and you may have limited control over certain aspects of your store’s operation.

  • Cost – Seller fees are charges that Shopee imposes on sellers for every successful order made on the platform. These fees consist of three types: 

    1. Commission fee
    2. Transaction fee and 
    3. Service fee for certain marketing campaigns.

As the creators of the site, we design, install and customise your Shopee store with all the most important functionalities before educating you on how it works and ensuring that it showcases your products effectively. We work closely with you to understand your business requirements and create a visually appealing and user-friendly Shopee store that drives conversions and provides a positive shopping experience for your customers.



WooCommerce is a powerful and flexible e-commerce plugin built specifically for WordPress websites. With WooCommerce, I can create a fully customisable online store that aligns perfectly with your brand. Essentially still a WordPress powered website, wooCommerce sites have all the added benefits of a WordPress site offering the most secure online store available.


  • Extensive Customisation – WooCommerce offers a high level of customisation, allowing for a unique and personalised online store. From the overall layout to product displays, shopping cart functionality, and checkout processes, every aspect of your store can be tailored to your liking.

  • Scalability and Flexibility – Your store can grow alongside your business. It provides a scalable platform that can handle a wide range of products, from a small inventory to a large catalogue. Additionally, WooCommerce offers numerous extensions and plugins to enhance the functionality of your store, ensuring flexibility to adapt to your changing needs.

  • Ownership and Control – By using WooCommerce, you have complete ownership and control over your online store. It’s a self-hosted solution, which means you have the freedom to choose your own hosting provider and have full control over your store’s data, design, and future development.

  • Integration and Expansion – WooCommerce seamlessly integrates with a wide range of third-party tools and services, such as payment gateways, shipping providers, inventory management systems, and marketing platforms. This enables a robust ecosystem of tools that work together to streamline your e-commerce operations and enhance your store’s capabilities.


  • Learning Curve – If you are choosing to take over the operation of the site without management from us or another professional developer, WooCommerce may require a learning curve, especially if you’re new to managing an e-commerce store or working with WordPress. However, we handle the entire setup, launch, technical aspects and then guide you through the process, ensuring a smooth and efficient handover.

  • Hosting and Maintenance – Since WooCommerce is self-hosted, it requires you to manage your own hosting and perform regular updates and maintenance tasks. However, We can handle the technical aspects and provide ongoing support via one of our maintenance plans.

  • Design Time – Due to the more complex nature of a wooCommerce site the time involved for us to create your store is significantly longer than with the Shopee platform.
    Depending on the scale of your business this may need to be taken into consideration, however when compared to the long-term savings gained with zero transaction fees, a wooCommerce site will usually save you money over time. 

We work closely with you to understand your e-commerce needs and endeavour to design a highly customised online store that showcases your products, provides seamless, secure shopping experiences, and drives conversions. With WooCommerce’s flexibility and our expertise, we can create an e-commerce website that perfectly suits your vision with an unparalleled level of professionalism for the end user experience.

Please note… The choice between Shopee and WooCommerce ultimately depends on your specific requirements, business goals, and preferences. As your designer, we guide you through the decision-making process, helping you choose the e-commerce solution that best suits your budget, and needs whilst ensuring your online store’s success.

custom Coded
Website & Apps

custom Coded
Website & Apps

At Asia Tourist Connect, we take website design to the next level with our fully coded websites. If you’re someone with a deeper understanding of websites and the industry, you’ll appreciate the exceptional control and limitless possibilities that come with custom development.

We use a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including HTML, JavaScript, React, C++ and PHP. Additionally, we utilise popular CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Tailwind, or Sass to ensure efficient and scalable styling.

All our sites are designed to industry standards with documentation provided to enable a smooth transition to other developers in the future.

At Asia Tourist Connect, we take website design to the next level with our fully coded websites. If you’re someone with a deeper understanding of websites and the industry, you’ll appreciate the exceptional control and limitless possibilities that come with custom development.

We use a wide range of programming languages and frameworks, including HTML, JavaScript, React, C++ and PHP. Additionally, we utilise popular CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap, Tailwind, or Sass to ensure efficient and scalable styling.

All our sites are designed to industry standards with documentation provided to enable a smooth transition to other developers in the future.


  • Unparalleled Customisation – With fully coded websites, the sky’s the limit when it comes to customization. Every aspect of your website can be meticulously tailored to your exact specifications. From unique layouts and interactive elements to personalised functionalities and user experiences, we have the expertise to bring your vision to life with precision.

  • Optimal Performance – By hand-coding websites, we have full control over the codebase and can optimise it for maximum performance. This allows for faster loading times, smoother animations, and improved overall user experience. With custom development, we can fine-tune every aspect of your website to ensure it runs efficiently and seamlessly.

  • Scalability and Future-Proofing – Custom-coded websites are built with scalability in mind. As your business grows and evolves, your website can easily accommodate new features, expanded content, and increased traffic. We lay a solid foundation that can adapt and scale alongside your business, saving you from potential limitations down the road.

  • Tailored Web Applications – If you require specific functionalities beyond a traditional website, our expertise extends to developing powerful web applications. Whether it’s an e-commerce platform, a booking system, a customer portal, or a data-driven tool, we can create web applications that fulfils your unique business requirements.


  • Higher Initial Investment – Custom development involves a more extensive and labor-intensive process compared to using CMS platforms like WordPress and Shopee. As a result, fully coded websites typically require a higher initial investment. However, the long-term benefits of a tailored website that perfectly aligns with your business goals often outweigh the upfront cost.

  • Longer Development Timeline – Building a fully coded website takes time. Custom development requires careful planning, coding, testing, debugging and refinement to ensure a flawless end product. While the timeline may be longer compared to using pre-built solutions, the result is a site that delivers a superior user experience and level of professionalism.

  • Ongoing Maintenance – With custom development, ongoing maintenance and updates are necessary to ensure your website remains secure and up to date. However, our agency offers comprehensive support and maintenance services to keep your website running smoothly and securely, providing you with peace of mind.

When it comes to fully coded websites, our agency is committed to delivering excellence. We combine our technical expertise, creative vision, and deep industry knowledge to create websites that not only look stunning but also function flawlessly. Whether you’re looking for a sleek and interactive portfolio, a complex web application, or a cutting-edge online presence, we have the skills to turn your vision into reality. Let us be your trusted partner in crafting a fully coded website that stands out, drives results, and leaves a lasting impression on your audience.

*D.I.Y Website

*D.I.Y Website

In addition to our range of custom website development options, we also acknowledge the presence of website builders such as Wix, Squarespace, and Weebly, among others. These platforms offer an accessible and user-friendly way to create a website without the need for extensive technical knowledge or coding skills. They provide pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop functionality, and integrated hosting, making it easy to get a website up and running quickly.

Website builders can be a great tool for individuals or small businesses looking for a simple online presence. They offer convenience and ease of use, allowing you to choose from a variety of templates and customise them to suit your needs. You can add content, images, and basic functionality with relative ease.

However, it’s important to consider the long-term costs associated with using website builders. While the initial cost may seem affordable, the ongoing expenses can quickly add up. Many website builders operate on a subscription-based model, requiring monthly or annual payments to maintain your website. These costs can become significant over time, especially if you require additional features, e-commerce capabilities, or advanced customisation options. Additionally, website builders may limit your ability to fully customise your website or integrate specific functionalities that are crucial to your business.

Choosing a professional developer to build your website offers several advantages over relying solely on website builders. With a professional developer, you gain access to their expertise, creativity, and ability to create a fully customised and tailored website that perfectly aligns with your unique goals and requirements. A professional developer can optimise your website for performance, provide ongoing maintenance and support, and ensure seamless integration of advanced functionalities and third-party services. While the upfront cost of hiring a professional developer may be higher, the long-term benefits and return on investment often outweigh the ongoing costs of using a website builder.

As a website design agency, we understand the allure of website builders but also recognise the limitations they may impose in the long run, however if this is the route that you are determined to take we do offer design packages using these platforms.

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