Check out some ...websites

We built

Check out some ...websites

We built

Check out some websites

...We built

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Canguu Cafe

Canguu Cafe

This single page site was designed for a sleek finish to appeal to the ‘digital nomad’ community based in Canguu. This site was built with a tight budget over a period of just one week. The managers reported a 15% increase in clientele after the site launch.

"Thanks crew! The website looks even better then expected and our sales have increased by 15%. Highly recommended!"
Phita Haal

Thamel Dentistry

Thamel Dentistry

Thamel Dentistry is located in a small alley in the heart of Kathmandu. Their existing site was unreadable on a mobile device and outdated in its design. Since the launch of the new site the practitioners now report a consistent flow of english speaking clientele.

"I had no idea how much potential business we were missing with our old website, Thanks crew for enlightening us all!"
Uaun Kham
Head of staff

ASKMotorbike Rental


Motorbike Rental

Ask approached us for a website that would stand out in the competitive space for rental agencies in Thailand. We are proud to say that since the new design with the bikes and prices available online the business is busier then ever!

"Thanks Dan for coming through with so cool site! Many people are contacting us online now and even booking their trip from their home country"
Uaun Kham
Head of staff

UniCon construction

UniCon construction

The team at UniCon wanted a simple user-friendly site to drive potential clients to their specialised phone marketing team. We condensed the information we where provided down to this attractive single page format.

"We received quotes over $5000 from other agencies before eventually choosing to go with Asia Tourist Connect, Dan was extremely professional and delivered us a great looking site for just a fraction of what we thought a website would cost."
Natthida Patcharaporn

XMAX thai
boxing club



XMAX runs an awesome training facility in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The website hopes to attract foreigners looking for Muay Thai visa’s while also keeping the locals informed about upcoming events.



This colourful site was designed on a shoestring budget and uses 3rd Party API’s to handle the online ordering. We were tasked to create a new brand template and upgrade the entire look of the business.

"We love the new brand template, the colours, logo and website have completely reshaped our brand, thanks crew!"
Lisa Shriten

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